passive rainwater harvesting



A selection of our hardscape work.



Together, we can develop a plan that will nurture the land and fulfill your goals.

Will Garden for Food

Will Garden for Food

Edible gardening — it’s fun, and it’s good for you too.

My New Home Has an Irrigation System: Now What?

My New Home Has an Irrigation System: Now What?

Yes, it’s daunting — we can help.

Large-Scale Erosion Mitigation

Large-Scale Erosion Mitigation

Smart solutions for a big erosion problem.

Native Re-Vegetation

Native Re-Vegetation

Our process for bringing native plants back to damaged sites.

Permaculture Homestead

Permaculture Homestead

An efficient home built in a thriving edible landscape.

Foothills Design & Installation

Foothills Design & Installation

A comprehensive landscape plan for a unique site.

Passive Water Harvesting for a Productive Landscape

Passive Water Harvesting for a Productive Landscape

Using earthen contour to transform a dry hillside into a lush garden with lots of potential.